
About this report

As a healthcare group, we take on corporate responsibility for our patients, for our employees and for the environment and society. In the Corporate Responsibility Report (“CR Report”) 2023, we describe our engagement in the areas of critical importance for us: sustainable corporate governance, patients, employees and the environment. We document concepts, key figures for Asklepios as well as the goals and actions with which we guide our activities. We want to provide our stakeholders with transparent information that bears comparison.

We published the last CR Report in April 2023. For transparency and comparison reasons, this CR Report is aligned with the structure and Universal Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The updates since 2021 have been incorporated. With regard to determining material topics and disclosures on the management of material topic areas, the CR Report is aligned with GRI 3.

During the 2021 financial year, we conducted a materiality analysis (based on the GRI Universal Standards 2021, GRI 3) and identified CR focus topics for Asklepios. They were defined based on the requirements of the German CSR Directive Implementation Act (CSR RUG) and of the 2021 GRI standards. We validated the materiality analysis in 2022. In the context of updating the materiality analysis in 2023, we examined whether any new topics had arisen and whether the importance of topics had changed significantly in comparison to the last materiality analysis.

We already aligned this with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The updated materiality analysis from 2023, which already incorporates the double materiality that will be a regulatory requirement from 2025 onwards, has been reviewed and adopted by the Management Board. The ESG topics arising from this analysis (double materiality) form the basis for developing the material topics in accordance with section 289c(3) HGB.

The Asklepios Corporate Responsibility Report is a separate non-financial consolidated report in accordance with the “Handelsgesetzbuch” (HGB – German Commercial Code). Unless otherwise indicated, this CR Report refers to all healthcare facilities operated in Germany by Asklepios Kliniken GmbH & Co. KGaA, which acts as the management company of the Asklepios Group with its headquarters in Hamburg. This does not include the MediClin AG or Rhön-Klinikum AG sub-groups. The reporting period is the 2023 financial year. The 2023 CR Report was prepared based on the requirements of a separate non-financial consolidated report in accordance with section 315b(3) HGB. This is a voluntary implementation of these requirements. The EU Taxonomy Regulation was not applied on a voluntary basis in the 2023 financial year. Where possible, comparative data from the previous year are included. Any different periods are clearly indicated.

This separate non-financial consolidated report has been audited by KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (KPMG) in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 (Revised).

Information concerning fulfilment of the 2021 GRI indicators is not a component of the separate non-financial consolidated report and was therefore not covered by the audit.

KPMG has summarised the results of this audit in a final audit report. The Management Board of Asklepios was informed of the results of the audit and has also reviewed and approved the report.

Overview of Asklepios Kliniken

The future of medicine

Asklepios was established in 1985 and is now a leading operator of private hospitals in Germany with 164 healthcare facilities in 14 German federal states. The Asklepios Group has been a majority shareholder of MediClin AG since 2011 and of Rhön-Klinikum AG since 2020. In addition to university hospitals, providers of maximum, basic, standard and priority care as well as specialist hospitals and rehabilitation clinics, Asklepios operates medical centres (MVZ), software and e-health companies. The corporate values of medical quality, innovation and social responsibility have been in place since the company’s foundation and continue to shape its development.

Since its foundation almost four decades ago, the family-owned company Asklepios has developed from a hospital operator to a future-oriented and digital company that embraces a holistic, integrated treatment approach. We see ourselves increasingly as a healthcare platform that offers new digital health formats alongside its traditional hospital operations. In cooperation with partners from the healthcare sector, we want to play an active role in shaping digitalisation and using it to improve healthcare in Germany. Our focus is on patient welfare.

Additional information about the company profile can be found in the group management report 2023.

Alignment of the CSR-RUG issues with the significant topics at Asklepios

Topic at Asklepios Assigned GRI aspect Report section Section 289c(2) HGB defines the concerns:
Raising awareness of the code of conduct/principles of conduct GRI-205
Anti-corruption 2016
Sustainable corporate governance Combating corruption and bribery
Patient safety GRI-416
Customer health and safety 2016
Customer privacy 2016
Patients Social matters
Patient­ satisfaction GRI-416
Customer health and safety 2016
Patients Social matters
Employee­ health GRI-403
Occupational health and safety 2018
Employees Employee­matters
CO2 GRI-302
Energy 2016
Emissions 2016
Environment Environmental matters
Waste GRI-306
Waste 2020
Environment Environmental matters
Water consumption GRI-303
Water and effluents 2018
Environment Environmental matters

How we manage the Asklepios Group

The Management Board of Asklepios guides the company and defines the strategic orientation and its implementation. The other executive bodies of the company are the Supervisory Board and the Annual General Meeting. The Supervisory Board monitors and consults the management work by the general partner. Additional information about the governing bodies can be found in the Annual Report 2023.

The organisational structure of Asklepios is based on the following centrally controlled Group divisions: Accounting & Tax, Architecture & Construction, Audit & Risk Management, Care, Controlling, Corporate Communications, Corporate Finance & Treasury, Corporate & ESG Reporting, E-Health & Corporate Health, ESG Management, Hospital Financing, Human Resources, Information Technology, Insurance & Compliance, Legal, M&A, Outpatient Medicine, Purchasing & Supply, Quality Management, Revenue Management, Service Providers and Service & Research.

The Group divisions develop goals and strategies for the entire Asklepios Group. Operational responsibility for achieving the goals rests with the regional units.

Key figures for the area of general information1

Parameter Unit 2023 2022 2021 GRI
Employees (annual average) Headcount 68.271 67.361 67.415 2-6
Patients treated (reporting date) Headcount 3,475,692 3,395,4522 3,542,346 2-6
Healthcare facilities Number 164 approx. 170 approx. 170 2-6
Revenue EUR million 5,452 5,290 5,118 201-1
y-o-y 3.1% 3.4% 17.8%
Supervisory Board Headcount 20 20 20
Female 10 9 5
Male 10 11 15
1 Figures relate to the entire Group (Asklepios Kliniken GmbH & Co. KGaA including MediClin AG and Rhön-Klinikum AG sub-groups).
2 As a result of further specifying the definition of key figures in 2023, there was a correction of the statistical key figures. This retrospective restatement aids comparability with the reporting year.